Getting Started


The hardest part of getting started is getting started. Going for a walk is easy, once you've got your shoes on. That hard conversation isn't as hard once you're having it. And writing a blog post is easier once you've wrote a few words on the page. Or so I'm told.

So - this is me (finally) starting my blog. For the second time.

I wrote five posts a few years ago and published those suckers. They were okay but a few days later regret kicked in and I took them all down. I felt embarrassed, exposed and fraudy. I didn't have a vision and I wondered why anyone would care. I still feel those things. But I am ready to move forward in spite of it.

You put a lot into your business - you wear a lot of hats and boot strap along the way. Any advice you get on design, marketing and strategy will help. You don't have to break the bank to get noticed. You just have to be smart and a creative.

I'm here to get you thinking, share ideas and cheer you on in your small business adventure. We'll talk branding, marketing, funding opportunities, cool bosses doing cool boss stuff. I'll share case studies of my actual projects and how they can help you.

Sometimes you need to start before you're ready. Or you won't start at all. I'll write more on that later but just like running a business is making it up as you go - so is this blog. Kathleen Shannon of Being Boss says "the easiest way to find your voice is to use it." So on that note, here's me finding my voice. And I hope you can find yours too.

I don't have it all figured out yet, but I've started.


Tell me in the comments below about a time you struggled getting started on a project. And what happened when you finally did the thing? I'd love to hear about it.