Branding is All About Energy

Branding is all about energy.

What is it about a certain brand that resonates with you and makes you want to buy from them versus the competition?

Have you ever caught yourself saying "they had a really good vibe about them?" or do you support Business A over Business B because it just "feels good?"

Everything in the universe is made up of energy, and with it, unique vibrations. Energy. Vibes. Frequency. Light Codes. Your energy is wired to connect with what's made for you. When we find something or someone that aligns with us, our values and who we are - we just know.

What kind of energy do you embody with your business, your marketing, your communication? What energy do people feel when they interact with you? Remember, your brand is not your logo. Your brand is your story. Why you do what you do. Your brand is a vibration. A feeling. It's your energy.

Branding is all about energy